Friday, October 06, 2006

The Big Schloss

I came, I saw, I schlossed. What a great course!! Rugged as all get out, I had a great run. This was thus far the most challenging course I have run, thankfully the weather was cool otherwise it would have been a killer. I'm losing faith in the weather person after this past weekend. I looked at "Weatherunderground" at 2am right before I left for the race and it said no chance of rain till 2pm then 30% chance. Well when the race started it was in a steady rain at 8am, and it was not raining at all in the afternoon! Oh well, it made for a cool day and that was appreciated. My time was 7:56 for a hair over 50k of distance, which I consider pretty good for the course. The official results are still not posted on the website so I'm not sure where I stood compared to others. Next up is the Army 10 miler this Sunday, I have a friend who was running it, and I told him I would come down and run it with him. Have not done a road race since last Decembers Nittany Valley Half Marathon, but I have been doing some road hill running lately so I should do ok.