Monday, March 24, 2008


Well spring is here and the urge to run is once again stirring. I have been going to a spin class at least 3 days and mostly 4 days a week since Thanksgiving. This has provided a good base for my return to running after my injury at the end of 2006. I am still having issues with pain in my left Achilles tendon and heel, so don't feel that I am out of the woods yet. I am hopeful that whatever lingering pain will not become an issue because it was awfully depressing to not be able to run all last year after having such a good year in 2006.
Did an 8 mile road run yesterday (Easter), snow out on the trails so I decided to suffer through a road run. I pushed the pace on the way home, which felt pretty good but I do have some pain this morning in my heel which concerns me. At this point I am shooting for running 3 days a week (Tue/Thurs/Sun) with spinning on the others (Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat) we'll see how that goes.
I have thoughts of adding weight training sometime late spring once the new addition the the Hollidaysburg YMCA opens with new equipment. First Ultra? most likely Rattlesnake 50k if I can keep the demons biting at my heel at bay.

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